Replaces: CX14, CX14L, CX14AH, CX14AHL, CBTX14-BS, YTX14-BS, CBTX14L-BS, YTX14L-BS, CBTX14AH-BS, YTX14AH-BS, CBTX14AHL-BS, YTX14AHL-BS, CB14AL-A2-SM, YB14AL-A2, CB14L-B2-SM, YB14L-B2, 12N14-3A-SM. UNIBAT lithium batteries are about 3 times lighter than traditional lead batteries but manage to guarantee surprisingly superior performance with extremely small dimensions.
The high versatility is mainly given by the presence of 4 poles ( reinforced and thicker ), which guarantee strong resistance to vibrations and easy installation of the same without having to intervene on the electrical wiring or create problems of housing and fixing.
A large kit of modular spacers is supplied on all models, which allow you to reach the standard battery size that it replaces.
The power translates into the possibility of delivering strong starting currents thus allowing safe and repeated starts ( and consecutive ) even at low temperatures ( weak point of lead batteries ).
It can also withstand long periods of inactivity ( over a year ). The charging time is very short, only 6 minutes for a 90% refueling%.
The batteries are equipped with a BMS device ( Battery Management System ) which controls overload and overcharge as well as cell temperature. 2-year warranty and an estimated life of over 5 years thanks to over 2000 charging cycles in JISD standards against 150-300 of lead batteries.